Terrarium number two featuring Gigi and a sleepy cat.
This guy is doing very well indeed!
Pilea baby from a cutting from my bigger plant below.
Tall boy needs an upgrade soon! Sorry yellow turtle.
Better picture of the pilea without showing the yellow leaf.
Got this ashy cutie from a plant swap.
Monstera is so big now but not the healthiest she's been unfortunately and I have cut off four leaves, still some are going yellow and I've got a massive pot, tried coffee and new fertiliser. Maybe she's just unhappy.
Some of you may remember this tall guy?
Santa is now sideways.
Another success story, this beautiful jade. This was our "Christmas tree" last year. Must remember to take decorations down ...
Fairly new but doing well.
Mr stabby hasn't changed much
This guy is doing ok to say he's stuck in the bathroom.
Cute air plant from my mum is doing well in the bathroom too.
Here's the massive pilea that's had loads of cuttings.