Hello, I thought it was time to have an update to see how everyone has settled into the new house. There's been a few changes. Let's take a look..
So I ended up splitting the huge monstera into two pots and since then, each pot has had a new leaf. I believe it was a success. This is just one of the pots. |
A money plant I think, which happily lives in between both monstera. I should add that these plants are on a very high shelf to try and deter my newest cat, Panko from eating them or knocking them over. |
From left to right; jade, banana leaf plant which had completely died but for some reason we didn't get rid of the soil and the next thing we knew it had had three very healthy babies! Also there is a tradescantia on the right. |
The baby banana plants! |
Lovely jade going strong despite the no face figurine falling over. Panko has knocked bits of this plant off which we have propagated into new plants. |
One windowsill, home to mostly baby plants and herbs. You can see I'm growing spring onions, basil, baby jade and begonia and some cacti. |
There's also pilea, hoya, chives and a small bushy one which looks like a miniature money plant but I'm not sure what it is. |
A very sad looking christmas cactus in the rarely used living room :( |
This cactus has taken residence in the bathroom. |
Now onto my favourite room, my study! I've decorated this room. myself and some of my fav plants are in here. Here's a marble queen pothos. |
Beautiful begonia doing so well despite Panko breaking the whole stem of the plant clean off a few months back. |
How those two usually sit together. |
A gorgeous plant from my lovely friend. |
Think you've all seen this ZZ plant before! |
Little cactus is happy enough..he never changes though, hmm. |
I bought four plants from a website, this tradescantia, the hoya in the kitchen and two that died straight away. This one isn't looking great. |
It isn't the original santa but it is a healthy santa type cactus. |
Just look at this big guy! He's doing very well and growing long. |
Love this baby and she'd doing really well. New leaves all the time, monstera adansonii. |
Variegated monstera baby. This has taken a year to get a new leaf. I'm hoping with time it'll show more white patches on newer leaves. |
Happy on the shelf with Groke and Coal the soft friends. |
Better look at the leaves. |
A failed attempt at a new leaf? |
Now into the attic aka the room my fiance spends most of his free time. Here we have a propagated jade and a cactus. |
Another very healthy looking monstera up here. |
Golden pothos and string of pearls |
Zoomed out version... |
Well I hope you enjoyed the plant tour!