Friday, May 18, 2018

Meet the gang..

So here are the current members of my plant family. I've got a few more I'm propagating and some outdoor plants which live on the balcony and may appear in future posts. For now I'll just be sharing the houseplants that I keep in my small 2 bedroom flat in Sheffield, UK.

Wandering Jew / Tradescantia Zebrina

I'm hoping to see some white flowers on this beauty in the Summer. I received this from my mum a few months back and she got it as a tiny cutting from a plant swap. This plant sure does grow fast and will start to hang apparently, no signs of it going limp anytime soon.

Coral cactus / urphorbia lactea crest

How alien does this guy look?? This is not actually a cactus at all but instead its a mutant succulent from Africa. Think we got this guy from Ikea! Easy to look after, doesn't need much water.

Jade plant / Crassula ovata

One of my favourites, I love the diamond white plant pot and I love it's fat little leaves. This one lives happily in the bathroom.

Unknown Species (C. acanthocarpa??)

We've owned this one for some time now and sometimes his arms reach high into the air but for the past few weeks they've been drooping downwards. I hope he's ok! I've tried my usual resources for identifying him but no luck. Any ideas, please let me know!

Eve's pin / Austrocylindropuntia subulata

Lovely spiky little one, we've had her a couple of years and she'll soon be ready for a bigger pot.

Worm Plant / Crassula marnieriana 'Hottentot

This is a baby from our main plant which is pictured below.

Pachyphytum Oviferum

This one had a little growth spurt from the top there as you can see!

Bunny Ear Cactus / Opuntia Microdasys

Had to pick up this classic looking cactus when I spotted him on the high street! He fits right in and has a lot of character with a couple decorations that seem to have accumulated on him over the last year or so.

Christmas cactus / Schlumbergera truncata and S. × buckleyi 

This has treated us to some beautiful pink flowers from November to April! I even framed some that fell off in one of those double walled glass hanging frames. Very beautiful.

ET's Fingers / Gollum Jade / Crassula ovata

How fun are the nicknames for this plant? They sure do look weird, like alien tubes! Another coral weirdo plant that fits right in in our home.

Desert cactus - Species unknown

Not sure on the exact species for this large cactus. We've had him for two years since he was about 10cm. Now he must be at least 2ft! Grows pretty fast too with a little spurt after a feed.

Tree cactus / Pilosocereus Pachycladus

Apparently these ones can reach up to 30ft in height!! Definitely wouldn't fit in my flat if it was that tall. He does seem to be having troubles at the root, I've tried adding more soil to give him a bit more security but am worried it could be that he's not getting enough light.


We call this the weird plant because it never shows any sign of growing or changing whatsoever. In fact just today I looked closely and realised it had become waterlogged. I went to tip the excess down the sink and poured away what must have been 4 drinks worth of water, none of the other plants have had this issue. I'm sure he's a fake! Update: I learnt it's called Bromelia thanks to Elena from the plant swap group. I've learnt a lot about this plant today!

Aloe Vera

A very heavy and large aloe vera. This has soothed my burns on a few occasions and was gifted to me by a friend.

Swiss Cheese Plant / Monstera Deliciosa 

My favourite! This was gifted to me by my fiances parents for my birthday. Since owning it it's grown many new leaves, I love each moment of seeing a new stem appear and then unfurl into a fresh baby leaf, all shiny and pale before becoming strong and robust.

Prickly Pear / Opuntia humifusa

A fairly new addition to the family and still in it's black paper until I find it a pretty pot. Love the flat leaves, features very high in my fav list, I'm thinking a stone or cement pot would suit it rather well.

Powdery Dudleya (Dudleya farinosa) ?

Another one I've struggled to identify and it's driving me crazy! Anyway this one is so wide!! I wish I had a garden because that's where he seems to want to be, sure is heavy and big!

Chinese money plant / Pilea Peperomioides

Another gift from my mum, this one she gave me just a week ago. Hoping it being a money plant will bring me lots of money so I can buy more plants!! How cute is it in it's little ceramic jug though!

Elephant bush / Portulacaria afra

According to the internet, these are a favourite food or tortoises! This one was dying a while ago so I gave him a temporary bowl and he loved the stretch so much, he's still in his bowl for now until I move him to a bigger pot. They can grow huge!

Golden star cactus / Mammillaria elongata

This plant always makes me laugh because he's grown so fast! We got him two Christmas' ago from tesco and he had a funny Santa hat and beard on so I call him Santa.

Aloe vera on left / Aloe Butiabana on right

Another aloe vera / possibly agave???  This one was from the same plant swap my mum went to. I need to go myself one day but I'm always working! The right aloe we actually got from one of our favourite cafes as it was left on the table just this little shrub so took it home and potted it with a new friend.

Cotton pole / Austrocylindropuntia vestita

Cute fluffy little one, still a baby and happy in it's pot for the time being.

Bear paws / Cotyledon Tomentosa

Another tiny one from the swap (thanks for the ID Mathilde)

Tiny cactus

Cute huh!

Gasteria ‘Little Warty’

A strange tongue like succulent.

Tiny Pachyphytum Oviferum

I'm tempted to start another terrarium with a few of the baby plants I've got in my collection. I could do a step by step guide with instructions for how to build your own! In fact I think I will, stay tuned!

Worm Plant / Crassula marnieriana 'Hottentot

So beautiful right? Like a string of jade pearls. I'd love to make one of those macrame hanging pots for this one

Echeveria Elegans

These can grow pretty big.

Adromischus Bicolor

I've spent almost two hours on this post what with finding everyones names. I think I'm going to run a bath. I may update this with the name, I may not...updated with the name thanks to Mathilde from the Sheffield plant swap facebook group!

Two together

Exact name to come, any plant experts feel free to tell me what any of these are!

Two tiny propagated babies

We do have more too. Maybe I'll add them to the terrarium or take them to the next plant swap.


A big old pot for a little succulent.

Aloe vera

This is 13 years old! Sits happily in the bathroom for now.

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