Wednesday, October 3, 2018

We're gonna need a bigger pot!

Hi everyone. This week me and Nathan have been busy with the plants, he's what we've done:

I made this beautiful landscape garden with a few of our propagated babies and some little tourist figures.

I'm so impressed with Nathan's repotting of the jade in this cement pot with added No Face figure. Gives a really spiritual vibe.

This cactus was picked up on a grocery shop on Abbeydale road, the pot in a neighborhood charity shop, total cost just under £5

Had a re-home of some of the plants from all the terreriums due to growth and Nathan breaking the globe one accidently.

A couple from the globe aquarium, echeveria with her babies and a zebra variety with a cute cat.

Another from the globe, looks other worldly I thought, complete with r2d2.

Poor Larry, one of his stems got too heavy and was about to break so I trimmed each node down and repotted to make a new plant! This is him sans broken stem.

Maranta stretching out with a new pot.

We picked up a couple of cute pots from a charity shop for 50p each so the last of the terrarium plants went in them.

Another like the above

The Larry new Bush made with that one stems cuttings

Three big ones together